DOTSOFT S.A. participates in the implementation of the project “ΙΝitiative for COllaborative developMent and exPloitation of innOvative productS and sErvices for mobility and logistics", (In Compose for M&LCluster) as a member of the Cluster. The partners will create ten products in clusters to address current challenges in the transport of people and goods.
The objective of the project is to help participating companies become leaders in the growing market of smart, green mobility and digital logistics, as well as to grow dynamically in individual innovative sectors of the industry, through the collaborative design, creation, evaluation and exploitation of new mobility and logistics solutions (products and services). In addition, the project aims to support innovation in the sector at the three following levels:
- increasing the number of users of innovative products/services (innovation adoption by the market),
- maximizing the capacity of the participating companies to continuously develop the products they will develop and create new products (innovation gearing) after the project ends and
- replicating the innovation result (innovation multiplying) through the dissemination of the project results by other third parties.
Through the Value Mapping Process carried out under the Cluster and this proposal, the value-creating objectives (as already identified and described in the 1st call of the Cluster) were formulated, the areas of innovation were defined and the products and services to be developed as a result of this proposal were identified. The ultimate objective is to add value and have a positive impact on three areas: business, society, and the sector as a whole.