The main idea of this research proposal refers to a combined utilization and valorization of existing edge technologies in the field of risk and safety management (prevention and monitoring) in historical buildings.
It is common knowledge that historical buildings not only comprise a unique part of our civilization as architectural heritage, but most of the times they are used as museums or art venues including valuable cultural assets. In this context, it is quite clear why the protection of these buildings requires extra attention in terms of fire safety and risk assessment.
The main scope of this project is to develop a tool for the valid and punctual evaluation and monitoring of the fire safety levels of an historical building. This will be feasible with the interaction of the BIM (Building Information Modelling) and loT (Internet of Things) technologies in an integrated environment. This tool will be responsible for the risk assessment but also for the decision-making process comprising a dynamic and continuous monitoring and optimization procedure of the building's fire safety levels. The proposed "Dynamic Fire Safety Model — DFSM" will be developed as a parametric model that will be designed taking into consideration data that may refer to fire safety assets as well as the building's unique characteristics (geometry, materials etc).
The main objectives of the project include:
- Development of tools and techniques for the risk assessment of fire safety levels in historical buildings, covering a wide range of the building's characteristics
- Protection and preservation of cultural heritage assets with the implementation of edge / emerging technologies as the production of the building's digital twin.
- Implementation of cost-effective and user-friendly optimization scenarios for the building's Fire Safety Level, utilizing the building's properties Real-time monitoring of crucial factors for the indoor climate of a historical building in an integrated management environment
- Simulation of evacuation scenarios for risk management and personnel training
The evaluation of the fire safety measures in historical buildings through the proposed methodology, is designed to be BIM and loT sensitive, comprising a dynamic parametric model that may produce cost effective and user friendly scenarios for the continuous supervision of the building's safety.