The main goal of the CLIMEX project is to assess the impact of climate change induce climate extremes in temperature and precipitation, both in Greece and in China, by using high-quality homogenized data.
The objectives of the project achieved are:
- a) collection of all available raw daily air temperature and precipitation data and metadata in both countries and subjecting them to detailed quality control,
- b) applying state-of-the-art homogenization methods to all available data of surface temperature and precipitation,
- c) calculating and updating the national climatological normals based on homogenized data series
- d) applying spatial interpolation techniques, appropriate for meteorological data, on homogenized temperature and precipitation series in order to correlate the meteorological variables with various geospatial (geographic and topographic) factors such as terrain height, coastal effects, orientation etc. and creating continuous surfaces from data points,
- e) cartographic representation of daily temperature and precipitation using geographical information system (GIS) techniques,
- f) calculating appropriate climate extreme indices so as to describe the state and the changes in the climate system from the past until now,
- g) an integrated platform with a climate atlas, e-learning module, open data portal and a mobile app.CLIMEX platform also provides a web interface for the visualization of the data in forms of interactive maps and graphs as well as APIs to access and utilize the data.
Scaling from 56 meteorological stations in Greece to 366 meteorological stations in China, CLIMEX intents to solve the two major problems related to climate data, accessibility and reliability. It will provide high quality data, at station level, from national meteorological stations, but also gridded data from the spatial analysis of station data. Until now in Greece there is a lack of an organized database, easily accessible by everyone, providing climatic information. The closest application to that is the electronic Climate Atlas of Greece of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, which needs to be updated because it covers only the period 1971 to 2000. The climate atlas needs to be expanded and include climatic indexes, which are significant for the identification and follow-up of uncommon extreme climatic events and for the preparation of climate change adaptation strategies and actions, like the SPI index, required for the assessment of draught in an area.
The platform will offer many benefits since it will:
- improve the availability of climatic information,
- improve the decision-making process for individuals or for authorities on issues and activities linked to the climate conditions,
- contribute to the economy and social welfare.
- Select the geographical background,
- Select one or more meteorological parameters and / or climatic indexes
- Select the time step (daily, monthly or annual) depending on the parameter or index selected
- Select the day, the month and the year.
- the station of the location.
The products that will be under a free license to download will be:
- the climate indexes,
- the monthly / annual gridded data in form of geotiff and jpeg files,
- the graphs of the homogenized data series, their residuals with respect to climatic means, and of the tendencies,
- an e-learning content, mobile app and a climatic atlas with an open data portal.
Stakeholders to benefit from CLIMEX findings are:
- Environmental law enforcement authorities
- Energy Authorities
- Regional environmental directorates
- Civil protection authorities
- Public health authorities
- Agriculture and food authorities
- Water supply and management authorities
- Environmental agencies
- Medical professional associations
- Agricultural unions
- Law enforcement authorities
- Community / Regional planning authorities
- Ministry of Finance
- Technical Chambers and related professional associations
- Standardization Organizations
- Financial / Banking sector