TRACCE project aims to design and development of an innovative ubiquitous platform for cultural routes, and different computing devices, using cultural inventory of travelogue literature, the digital material of today’s travelers and new information and communication technology. It will offer cultural interpretation services that combine the visit of an area with the acquaintance of the historically recorded and the contemporary touring experience: the user follows the historical trail of a 18th or 19th traveler, while retains access to a variety of contemporary information sources and other travelers experiences, as well as having the ability to compose his own. The services address mainly to tourism professionals and cultural institutions, in order to design specialized tours (routes, guided tours, exhibition guides, interpreting programs, etc.) that will enhance the visitor experience. The operation of the platform will be indicatively presented through the creation of six (6) routes with content from the Laskarides Foundation.
Through the study of the travel material and today’s travel experience, as it is found in social media, the conceptual representation of the wider travel experience will emerge, bringing together yesterday and today. By exploiting semantic web technologies, the computational representation of domain knowledge will be achieved and it will facilitate intelligent data management. As a result, data management will lead to data organization, data enrichment from openly interconnected data and data visualization through augmented reality technologies. The TRACCE ubiquitous platform will include all the above mentioned technologies, eventually creating a synthetic digital narrative that combines digital representations with natural tours. Part of the content will be free available free of charge, aiming at the wider tourist visibility of the country, consolidating the cultural route as a brand that enhances the attraction of visitors and the creation of opportunities for business activities in a region. All ubiquitous platform services will be made available with the B2B2X model.